InventHelp – Getting Feedback For Your Inventor Ideas

An inventor idea is the product of your creative mind. The process of conceptualizing the idea involves coming up with different solutions to a problem. Once you have a few ideas, you can move to the next step of getting feedback from others. InventHelp can help you with this. You should also try to sketch out your idea before submitting it.


If you’ve come up with a great inventing an idea but need assistance getting it into production, InventHelp has the expertise and resources to help you make your dream a reality. The company can help you develop a business around your idea, find full-scale manufacturing partners, and market your invention.

First, InventHelp will help you create a 3-D CAD model of your invention. This model will be a digital blueprint of your product, which is then manufactured with high-tech 3D printers using patented Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) technology. Once the prototype is complete, you can start testing your product against competitors. You’ll also want to develop an elevator pitch and gather information about your target market to make sure you’re on the right track.

InventHelp is a well-established company with a long history of helping entrepreneurs get their ideas off the ground. Founded in 1984, the company has grown from a small operation in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to a company with over 65 offices in the US and Canada. With an extensive database of over 9000 companies in its database, InventHelp ensures that your new invention idea will receive a thorough review from multiple sources, allowing it to have a fair shot at being made into a successful product.

Market research

Market research is crucial to the development and commercialization of an inventor’s idea. It helps the applicant discover what is currently being used by other people and how it compares to similar inventions. It also helps the applicant determine whether the invention has the potential to be profitable and marketable. Whether the invention is for a new product or a new service, the results of market research are vital to the process.

There are many ways to conduct market research. One option is to study existing products in the market and compare their prices. Another way is to conduct surveys and questionnaires. Make sure the surveys are targeted at your target audience. You may also conduct competitor studies to determine their prices. By using the feedback from these studies, you can decide on a price range for your product.

While a market survey may not be necessary to develop a new product, it can help you focus on a particular product. By performing market research, you can narrow your focus to a single product and eliminate the risk of making a costly mistake. Furthermore, it will help you decide on which product to take to market first.


A good sketch helps an inventor visualize the concept of his invention. It is an inexpensive and enjoyable way to capture the basic idea. It doesn’t require color or a lot of pens. Moreover, it helps an inventor visualize his idea in a realistic way before investing in a prototype. It is also a good way to test your ideas to see if they are viable.

Invention sketches are a great way to communicate the main concepts of your invention and also solidify your primary design direction. This process can also help you come up with better features and use cases for your invention. By making a sketch, you can easily see how your idea might look when it is finalized.

Sketching in Inventor allows you to create a 3-D representation of your idea. The new file dialogue in Inventor 2013 makes naming parameters easier. You can draw parts with multiple features and rotate them to make them look more realistic. You can also place them in different locations in the 3D sketch.

Getting feedback

Getting feedback for your inventor ideas is important for a variety of reasons. While you might have an idea for invention a product that will change the world, you need to make sure that your concept is viable. This means getting feedback from real consumers. This is the best way to validate the feasibility of your idea, and get the ball rolling on implementing it.

If you’ve got an idea for a product, you should create a sell sheet, which is a one-page summary of your idea. Your sell sheet should be designed to entice potential buyers to buy your idea. An example of a good sell sheet can be found at I’ve Tried That, a site for people who have tried to sell a product. You can also use websites such as InventHelp to get feedback on your idea.

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